"one of my rules is- never TRY anything, just DO it"- ani
"and i try to laugh- at whatever life brings- cause when i look down i just miss all the good stuff- and when i look up- i just trip over things"- ani
"we try to keep our eyes on the big picture, but the picture keeps getting bigger" - ani
"the worst is not, so long as we can say "This is the worst""- Shakespeare, (King Lear)
"i guess this is the price we pay for the priviledge- of living for even a day - in a world with so many things worth believeing in" - ani
"keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows"- Helen Keller
"nowadays we have all kinds of complicated machines- so no one ever has to have blood on his hands" - ani
"all nature is but art, unknown to thee; all chance, direction, which thou canst not see; all discord, harmony not understood; all partial evil, universal good: and, spite of pride in erring reason's spite, one truth is clear, whatever is, is right" -Alexander Pope, Essay on Man
"...two roads diverged in a wood and I- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference" -Robert Frost
"if you dont live what you sing about your mirror is going to find out" - ani
"the finish line is a shifty thing- and what is life- but reckoning"- ani
"looking back through time you know its clear that ive been blind ive been a fool...and if you want it come and get it crying out loud- the love that i was giving you was never in doubt"- david gray
"and suddenly i hear my guitar singing and so i just start singing along and somehweree in my chest all the noise just gets crushed by the song" - ani
"there is a tide in the affairs of men- which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; omitted- all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a sea are we now afloat, and we must take thecurrent when it serves, or lose our ventures"- Shakespeare, Julius Ceasar
"beneath the good and the kind and the stupid and the cruel- there's a fire that's just waiting for fuel" - ani
"when we are born, we cry that we are come to this great stage of fools"- Shakespeare, King Lear
"you can doubt anything- if you think about it long enough-cuz what happened always adjusts-to fit what happened after that" - ani
"cuz nothign is as it appears- in th funhouse mirrors of your fears- on the rollercoaster of all these years- with your hands above your head"- ani
"i can see you watchign me as if there is a pane of glass between us maybe it is just an image of what we've defined reality to be" - me